December 31 • 10:00am
Join us for a special service of prayer as we look forward to the new year. God did mighty things in and through PEPC in 2023 and we will be gathering to thank Him as well as humbly ask Him for even more in 2024! As is our traditional practice, this worship service will be more relaxed and informal and we encourage everyone to invite their friends, family and neighbors to join us as we seek God’s blessing on our church family and our community. There will be NO kids programming on December 31.
We will back to our normal rhythms of two services and full kids programming at 8:30 and 10:30am on Sunday, January 7. We will be kicking off our new sermon series: Ruin and Restoration in the minor prophets. In a world falling apart, what is God doing to put it back together? Come learn more in 2024!