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PEPC Early Learning Center

PEPC Early Learning Center:

Questions can be directed to [email protected] or call our office at 303-865-7418.

To register please click the registration button.


This is an exciting time for children, parents, and teachers.  It is when many years of happy and successful school experiences begin.  By teaching the whole child, differentiating for individual needs, and working closely with parents, we provide a safe learning environment where all children can thrive.  Our main goal is to make school a positive experience and to instill a love of learning, to help your child learn and grow in the love of Jesus, and to promote academic, spiritual, social, and emotional growth in your child.  We use a variety of different methods to engage and teach children such as Orange Bible Curriculum, American Baby Sign Language, Spanish, Handwriting Without Tears, and Frog Street. We strive to develop educated, confident, and caring children through the love of Jesus and are glad your child will embark on that journey with us.


Infants – 6 weeks to 12 months

Children can come one or more days a week. 

Our infant program is play-based exposing children to a variety of textures, colors, sensory experiences, and Baby Sign Language. We encourage positive social interactions while providing a safe and caring environment. Our goal is to keep our children growing through working on age-appropriate skills while being supported with love.

Infant and Toddler

Early Toddlers – 12 months to 18 months

Toddler – 24 months to 36 months

Early Preschool – 2.5 years to 3 years old

Early Toddlers – 18 months to 24 months

Toddlers – 24 months to 36 months

Children can come two or more days a week.

We have a structured day with many activities to help children learn appropriate interactions with other children in a group setting. We encourage children to make good choices by helping to establish trust, develop confidence and help them cultivate self control. Depending on the child’s developmental level we introduce letters, numbers and number meaning, colors, shapes, mathematical thinking, science inquiry, cultural concepts, and Baby Sign Language in a variety of ways so that learning is fun and experiential.


Preschool – 3 years to 4 years old

Preschool – 3 years to 4 years old

Preschool classes are for children 3 years old.

The PEPC Early Learning Center Preschool program is designed around whole-child development and offers a variety of experiences including art, music and gross and fine motor activities. We introduce critical thinking through purposeful thought, planning and decision making, listening, questioning and through peer interactions. They will be introduced to academic basics such as letters, letter sounds, numbers 1 – 10, quantities, colors, shape, sign language, and other concepts through a biblically integrated play-based experience with fun, hands-on learning experiences.

Junior Kindergarten

Junior Kindergarten classes are for children 4 and 5 years old.

Our Junior Kindergarten Program prepares children spiritually, academically and socially for a smooth transition into Kindergarten. The Junior Kindergarten Classes at PEPC Early Learning Center use the Frog Street Curriculum and Sign Language.

Our goals for your child while enrolled in Junior Kindergarten are:
That they learn of Jesus’s love, writing the letters A-Z (capital and lowercase), learn how to say these letters correctly, writing the numbers 1-20, sight words,  knowing the calendar (names of days and months), weather identification, perception and developing observation skills, understanding opposites, sequence comprehension (patterns and relationships), character education (positive values and attitude development), and health (body awareness).

Transitional Kindergarten

Transitional Kindergarten – 5 years to 6 years old

This class serves as an alternative class for children who are 5 years old by December 31.

Transitional Kindergarten is designed for children who have completed Junior Kindergarten, or whose birth dates are after the kindergarten cut-off. This program prepares your child to meet the kindergarten expectations set forth in the Common Core State Standards, but with increased expectations of student performance, additional levels of academic rigor, and enrichment opportunities to create higher levels of cognitive reasoning and understanding.

Transitional Kindergarten bridges the gap between Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten or first grade and will give your student the head start they need that will yield huge academic results.

Music and Worship

PEPC Early Learning Center is excited to offer music and worship as part of our core experiences. Music is part of our daily class time.

As part of the music and worship program, our ELC children enjoy singing, dancing, playing instruments and moving to all different types of music. The music curriculum complements all that is being taught in the classroom from our domain topics to Bible curriculum, including fun musical games, instrument exploration, listening, and movement experiences.

Our Chapel program is a large group worship time including praise, prayer, and monthly truths from our Bible Curriculum themes. Chapel is held in the PEPC Worship Center, twice a month on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s from 10-10:30 am. Please join our chapel on Facebook Live. We are also excited to have the PEPC Church Staff as guest speakers. The music program also includes the Annual Christmas Program, Intergenerational Choir, and Graduation Ceremonies as well as classroom celebrations.

We recently constructed a music in the outdoor classroom for children’s outdoor exploration and expression.

Orange Curriculum

At PEPC Early Learning Center, we take pride in our Christian-based educational values. We use the Orange Bible Curriculum in all of our classrooms. Orange’s message is simple: The Church + Home = Greater Impact. We combine the light of the church (yellow) with the heart of the home (red) to create orange.

Orange provides a monthly theme, memory verse and “bottom line” with fun and interactive songs and motions to help children memorize these important messages in the classroom. Each week our children are learning a different Bible story and enjoy different crafts and activities to go along with each story.

Twice a month our entire preschool participates in Chapel, our large group worship. We all get together to praise God through song, prayer and stories. It is a BLAST!

YOU can get involved too! Download the Orange parent app, Parent Cue, from your Apple or Android app store. The app gives you wonderful ways to engage with your child through what they are learning in the classroom.

Follow PEPC ELC on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for links to current media we are teaching in our classroom.

Additional Curriculum

Frog Street –

PEPC ELC’s Early Preschool classrooms use Frog Street for their curriculum. Frog Street is a fun, interactive curriculum that focuses on early brain development research, intentional instruction, developmental learning domains and an emphasis on social and emotional development. Each domain topic comes with a literature library, photo activity cards, manipulatives, art activities and much more!

Handwriting Without Tears –

PEPC ELC uses the Handwriting without Tears curriculum which is designed to make legible and fluent handwriting an automatic, mastered skill. Leveled kits and curriculum make it easy to guide our students through early multi-sensory handwriting instruction through perfecting cursive!

Baby Sign Language –

PEPC ELC has integrated Baby Sign Language into all of our infant, toddler and early preschool classrooms. This curriculum helps preverbal children to communicate using hand gestures instead of words. This reduces frustration by enabling children to express their needs.


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Students with a completed Certificate of medical exemptions signed by an advanced practice nurse, a delegated physician assistant, or physician licensed to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine in any state or territory of the United States will need to submit thus Certificate only once unless the student’s information or school changes.

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Break Camps

ELC Staff

Administrative Team

  • Holly Sprague – Director
  • Karen Cole – Assistant Director
  • Amy Couch – Administrative Assistant
  • Dona King – Administrative Assistant
  • Heidi Lewis – Curriculum Coordinator
  • Geneva Barr – Enrichment Coordinator
  • Allyson Garcia – Communications Coordinator

6 weeks – 12 months
-Marina Romanenko
-Bianca Wallis
-Allyson Garcia

12 to 18 months
-Edith Uwanikone
-Johana Haynes

18 to 24 months
-Angela McCaffrey
-Caitlyn Harlan

2 year olds
-Amber Loomis
-Stacey Berman

2 year olds
-Heidi Lewis
-Jennifer Wise
-Leiah Nicholson

2.5 to 3 year olds
-Geneva Barr
-Shannon O’Connor
-Madelynn Love

3 year olds
-Bailey Davis
-Cheryl Gozdzialski
-Melissa Krytusa

3 year olds
-Tara Gonzales
-Shannon Coons
-Mindy Nethercot

4 year olds
-Casey Chapman
-Jessica Vaughan

4 year olds
-Karin Jacobson
-Julie Lippold

4 year olds
-Jenny Harrison
-Lydia McCool
-Christie Blind
-Kortni Houle

5 year olds
-Florence Watts
-Dona King

