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Senior's Ministry

About Senior’s Ministry

Seniors Ministry focus is on working with the PEPC community of those close to or in  retirement.  Our purpose is to help them FINISH STRONG, by remaining faithful to God’s will and calling on their life. We would love to get acquainted with all the seniors here at PEPC. For more information or if you are interested in serving on the Senior Ministry team please contact them at [email protected].


1st Wednesday Lunch • 11:30AM • Local Restaurant

Please join others in our PEPC community for a time of good food and sharing at a local restaurant during our 1st Wednesday luncheons at 11:30am.  Email us for questions or to RSVP at [email protected].

Bible Studies

Please go to either of the links below to see current Bible studies occurring for men and women in our community:

Click Here For Women’s Bible Studies

Click Here For Men’s Bible Studies

Additionally, PEPC hosts an Adult Sunday School Sundays at 10:30am that follows along with the current sermon series. Click Here for additional information and join at any time!