Women’s ministry creates a place of acceptance and nurturing where each woman will feel known, loved, and celebrated where we offer Bible Studies, retreats, service projects, and fellowship. We equip women to serve and minister using their gifts as they come to know and serve in the fullness of what Jesus Christ has for her. For more information on Women’s Ministry, please contact [email protected]
Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24,25.
Bible Studies
Fall Semester Bible Study
Tuesday Mornings • 9:30–11:00AM • Ministry Center
Wednesday Evenings • 6:45–8:15PM • Ministry Center
Kicking off Tuesday, January 28 and Wednesday, January 29, join us as we study the second half of Mark through an inductive Bible study by Keri Folmar. We will dive deeper into what the author meant when he wrote the text, unpack the meaning of it by answering questions about the text, and learn how to apply these truths to our lives. We hope you will join us as we grow together in the Word and in fellowship.
- Please purchase your book ahead of time; the link to the book will be provided in the confirmation email after registration!
- Childcare will be provided for the Tuesday morning study only at this time.
- Middle School and High School Youth Groups are happening during the Monday evening study. No separate childcare available for evening study at this time.
Daybreak Disciples
Tuesday Mornings • 6:30AM • FIKA Mainstreet
Join this ongoing Bible study with women from PEPC and surrounding community by contacting Sarah Arnold at [email protected].
MOMS In Prayer
MOMS IN PRAYER- impacts children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers to pray. We accept you wherever you are in your Christian prayer life. We learn how to pray openly and honestly to God for one hour each week. Our prayer format is biblical and begins with an attribute of God. We pray through Four Steps of Prayer: PRAISE, CONFESSION, THANKSGIVING, and INTERCESSION. We pray our children’s names in scripture so we know we are praying God’s will for them. Currently a Grandmother’s group meets Mondays from 9am-10am at PEPC. Contact Lisa Freyschlag for more information or if you’d like to find or start another group: [email protected] or 303-550-1602. For more info. or to find a local school group, visit our website: www.MomsInPrayer.org.
Join us to pray for revival and spiritual awakening in our schools!
Hopeful Hearts
Hopeful Hearts is a ministry of women within our community who attend church without their husbands. This is a support group offering encouragement, prayer, study and fellowship. They meet one Sunday a month at 10:30am. For more information, contact Judy Grimes at 303-523-5290 or Annamaria Phillips at 720-539-1580.
Stitchin’ with a Mission
2nd and 4th Thursdays • 9:30 – 11:00AM • Student Center Lobby
Do enjoy knitting, crocheting, or sewing? Join us in using your skills for others. We meet to provide needed handmade items to non-profits. Donations of yarn fleece or flannel are appreciated, please drop off at the front office. We normally do not meet from Thanksgiving through New Years, please check with Karen to confirm those dates. Questions? Call Karen at 303-805-7140.
Are you interested in mentoring or being mentored? Relationships are important to our walk with Christ. Learning the Word of God with a group of women that relate to where you are in life can be enriching. Contact [email protected].
Serve on the Women’s Ministry Team
We are always looking for volunteers to serve on the Women’s ministry team. Whether it’s helping with planning our Women’s weekend, holding Bible studies, or planning social events, we would love to have you. Are you interested in learning more about serving on our team? CLICK HERE