Core Values:
BIBLICAL – Scripture is the foundation of our daily worship and all ministries of the church.
*(See more below)
RELATIONAL – We were created to live in community; to know and be known by each other. Our hope is to combat isolation and develop genuine relationships that encourage growth.
INTERGENERATIONAL – We believe great things happen when we can get people from multiple generations together. We pursue intentional and consistent interactions among the generations with the goal of mutually edifying relationships.
MISSIONAL – Living out our faith daily; serving inside and outside of the church facility, in our community, in our state and nation, and around the world.
*All Scripture is self-attesting and being Truth, requires our unreserved submission in all areas of life. The infallible Word of God, the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is a complete and unified witness to God’s redemptive acts culminating in the incarnation of the living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible, uniquely and fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, is the supreme and final authority on all matters on which it speaks. (From the EPC Essentials of Our Faith)
At PEPC we have Elders, Staff, and Deacons.
Part of the genius of Presbyterianism is the importance placed on the role of the Ruling Elder, the layperson, in the life of the church. When a denomination becomes clergy dominated, it tends to lose touch with the grassroots of the church. Elders are nominated and elected church members who gather to discuss church vision and direction. They in turn entrust that vision to the church staff for implementation in the various ministries of the church.
Elders can be contacted at [email protected]
Ruling Elders –
Sarah Arnold, Royal Benjamin, Joe Bradley, Dianne Daniels, Greg Johnson, Jared Lamb, Eric Russell, Scott Sellers, Dana Schultz
Teaching Elders –
Matt DePriest, Will Freyschlag, Gary McCusker, Dr. Doug Resler
Executive Team-
Dr. Doug Resler – Senior Pastor
Janet Specht – Executive Pastor
Elizabeth Duffy – Executive Director & Women’s Ministry Director
Leanza Thomas – Executive Assistant
Madison Woodring – Ministry Associate
Ministry Teams –
Gary McCusker – Associate Pastor of Care Ministries
Lynda Schutzenberger – Ministry Associate
Will Freyschlag – Associate Pastor of Community Life
Dan Lynch – Outreach Pastor
Megan Spaulding – Student Ministries Pastor
Richard Koch – Student Ministries Pastor
Matt DePriest – Associate Pastor of Worship Arts
Zach O’Connor – Production Associate Lead
Ben Trujillo – Discipleship and Worship Arts Director
Darby O’Connell – Family Discipleship Director
Kara Sudduth – Kids Ministry Director
Sarah Bruce – Ministry Associate
Anna Brock – Ministry Associate
Kate Lobis – Ministry Associate
Lance Gerry – Facilities Director
Jeff Haskins – Facilities Associate
Brett Hudson – Facilities Associate
Holly Sprague – Early Learning Center Director
Darrin Kessler – Douglas County Christian Counseling Director
History of PEPC
Parker Evangelical Presbyterian Church (PEPC) was established in 1984 (originally as Parker Presbyterian Church, or PPC) and first met in a local middle school. In 1985 PPC purchased 55 acres of the Miller homestead from the Tallman family on East Parker Road. In 1987 PPC became a a member of the larger Evangelical Presbyterian Church denomination and the acronym changed to “PEPC” in 1990. The original building, sanctuary, and classrooms (what is now the Student Center) were completed in 1996 and expanded in 2000. An addition to the lower level–including the existing sanctuary, lobby, and additional classrooms were added in 2005.
Discover PEPC Class
For those who would like more information about our church, the EPC denomination, our beliefs, or to join the church, we invite you to join us for the Discover PEPC Class (held in the fall and spring) where we will spend a few hours going deeper into the EPC Essentials, PEPC Vision and Values, the History of PEPC, Worship Philosophy, and PEPC’s Theological distinctives. Please contact Will Freyschlag, Community Life Pastor, at [email protected] for further information or to sign up for the next class.