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JUNE 14 & 28, JULY 12 & 26, AUGUST 9 & 23 • 9:30 – 11:30AM • MINISTRY CENTER

Do you feel connected to God through art?

A simple yet inspired doodle can quicken our hearts to God for today or even cause ripples of blessings to inspire and impact future generations. Whether you prefer a computer tablet app, crayons, paints, colored pencils, or markers, join us as we connect with God and each other through creativity.

Bring your favorite art supplies or an assortment of supplies will also be available.

We will show a 20-minute Bible journaling art instruction video for you to follow along or create your own God-inspired doodle. All are welcome.

For more information, contact Marci Bell at 720-203-9223, otherwise, register below!

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