We have officially launched the Renovo Survey. This is a critically important tool in the life of our church, as it helps us gather data on how effective we are at helping you, the people of God, grow as disciples of Jesus Christ It asks questions on topics such as spiritual beliefs and practices, engagement in corporate worship and small groups, and how often people serve both inside and outside the church. It is completely anonymous and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. The link below will be live for one more week, and we would love for every single person who calls PEPC home to take it. The more people who take the survey, the more information we gather, and the more effective we can tailor our programs to address the needs of our congregation. The questions are accessible for every member of your family, age 12+, and we would encourage each member of your household to fill out their own individual survey.
Once the survey window closes, the results will be sent to our elders for them to process at their annual retreat in February after which we will make them available in summary format to the congregation. We look forward to getting snapshot of our strengths and weaknesses as a church so we can continue to grow in our ability fulfill the Great Commission! Thanks in advance for taking the time to fill it out! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Pastor Doug at [email protected] or by clicking the “Questions & Comments” button below and filling out a form.
Click here to complete the survey.