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PEPC’s 40th Anniversary!


Join in the celebration!


“To what can we compare the Kingdom of God? It is like a mustard seed that, when sown upon the soil, is the smallest of all the seeds on the ground. And when it is sown, it comes up and grows taller than all the garden plants, and produces large branches so that the birds of the sky can nest in its shade.” – Jesus

In a very real way, PEPC is that small mustard seed. Forty years ago, Parker was a one stoplight town located off the beaten track and PEPC was a small group of about thirty families whom God had called to start a church. Today, Parker is sixty thousand strong and hundreds of families call PEPC their church home. The “branches” PEPC has spread into the community and around the world are large and growing and provide plenty of shade for the hundreds, if not thousands, who have found rest for their souls in Jesus Christ. God has been faithful to honor the visions and dreams of our founders, providing a strong foundation for His church through the teaching and preaching of His Word, raising up godly leaders who sought the mind and heart of Christ together, and providing an abundance of resources to accomplish the work He planned for us. Today, God continues to fill us with His Spirit as PEPC is one of the most vibrant, healthy, and growing congregations in the Denver area. We are passionate about the Bible, relationships, intergenerational and multi-cultural community, and the mission of God. We give and serve generously and sacrificially to expand God’s Kingdom here on earth and are engaged in a wide variety of ministries that minister to the least reached and least resourced, combining our heart for evangelism and community development. Perhaps most of all, we truly believe we are just getting started. The seeds God planted over the first forty years will continue to yield an incredible harvest in the next forty years, emptying hell, filling up heaven, and changing lives for all eternity.

Hillside Worship Night


40 years ago, God stirred His peoples’ hearts to plant a church in Parker. Once God provided the Miller Family Homestead (the piece of property on which PEPC now sits), that body of Believers began gathering on the hillside to lift their voices in song and dream together about what God might do in their community.

Come join us on Thursday, August 1 on PEPC’s hillside as we return to our roots to kickoff our 40th anniversary celebration and season of preparation for the next 40 years of Kingdom ministry. It will be a joy-filled evening of familiar and engaging musical worship and prayer!

Bring your camping/outdoor chairs if desired! We will have a fire and s'mores as well for a fun treat!

PEPC Campus Prayer

THURSDAYS, AUGUST 8, 15, 22 • 7:30AM & 7:30PM

Join us for three Thursdays, throughout August, as we walk the campus to praise God and pray for all that He has done in the past, what He is currently doing in the present, and submit to what He will do in the future through the ministries of PEPC!

Meet each week at 7:30am and 7:30pm at the Wellness Center (Old Farmhouse) back deck, next to the Windmill, with your community, staff, elders and founders.

Hillside Baptism Service


Join us for ONE service on August 25 as we continue our tradition of worship and Baptisms on the Hillside!

-Bring a chair! We have benches and folding chairs, but we anticipate this being our largest Hillside service as family and friends join from all over to celebrate the wonderful baptisms!

-Be early! We will be getting many people up the hillside, so come early, enjoy the view and fellowship before service begins!

Celebration BBQ

SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 • 11:00AM (After Service)

-Bring your favorite side dish to share!
-PEPC will have the main course, chips and drinks!

Join us as we celebrate baptisms and the conclusion of the 40th Anniversary with our annual BBQ event! Following the Hillside service, gather together on the upper east parking lot and current Student Center for food, games and fellowship. Don't want to miss!


Celebrate with us in style!

Get some swag or memorabilia to remember that past 40 years and look forward to the next 40 years!