Celebration BBQ!
SUNDAY AUGUST 25 • 11:00AM-1:00PM
- Bring your favorite side dish to share!
- PEPC will have the main course, chips and drinks!
Join us as we celebrate the baptisms and the conclusion of the 40th Anniversary with our annual BBQ event! Following the Hillside service, gather together on the upper east parking lot and current Student Center for food, games and fellowship. Don’t want to miss!
Hillside Baptism Service
Join us for ONE service on August 25 as we continue our tradition of worship and Baptisms on the Hillside! If you have questions about Baptism at PEPC, would like to be baptized or baptize your child, please reach out to Pastor Gary, at [email protected]. Our second baptism class will be held on Sunday, August 18 in the PEPC conference room.