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Worship Arts Ministry


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Recent Sermons

Ministry Philosophy

When it comes to worship, we live in interesting times. The church is talking more today about “worship” than it ever has in its history, but perhaps is meaning less and less by it. Very simply put, “Worship is our response to God’s revelation of Himself.” We worship him because he deserves it, we worship him because he demands it, we worship him because he delights in it! Frankly, this has precious little to do with music, let alone any given style of music. Music, just like any other art form, is just one means of expression. Music is often how we worship, but ought never to be confused with why we worship. Its trajectory must be gospel-shaped and its focus Trinitarian: Father, Son, and Spirit.

Bible in a Year

Join others in the congregation and Pastor Doug Resler, Senior Pastor, for a Bible in a Year.

Bible in a Year


There are various ways you can serve in the Worship Arts Ministry and worship experiences at PEPC.  Start by attending our worship services each Sunday and get a feel for PEPC and the Biblical, Relational, Intergenerational and Missional environment where we worship together.

There are many opportunities for various artistic expressions with the Worship Arts Ministry at PEPC and we would love to visit with you about your talents and gifts and how you might serve.  Individual auditions or review of skills are arranged throughout the year.  Please contact Matt DePriest, Associate Pastor of Worship Arts, at [email protected]